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13 news articles found

The Sino-French TAC-1 consortium - led by China National Nuclear Corporation subsidiary China Nuclear Power Engineering and including Framatome - has been awarded a contract to assemble the vacuum chamber modules of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), under construction in Cadarache, southern France.

Date: Wednesday, 06 March 2024
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France's nuclear industry giants - EDF, Framatome and Orano - have each reported improved results for 2023, compared with 2022, and expect continued growth in 2024, partly due to France's plan to build new reactors.

Date: Saturday, 17 February 2024
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UK-based nuclear technology company newcleo has announced a strategic and industrial partnership with France's NAAREA designed "to support all players in their industrial, technological, scientific and regulatory development" of Generation IV fast neutron reactors.

Date: Friday, 19 January 2024
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Czech power utility CEZ Group's Elektrárna Dukovany II (EDU II), a wholly owned subsidiary has received three final bids for the construction of a new unit at the Dukovany NPP. US-based Westinghouse, France’s EDF and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) submitted binding bids for Dukovany 5 and non-binding bids for the other three units. Westinghouse is proposing its AP1000, KHNP its APR1000 based in the APR1400 and EDF its EPR1200 (a smaller version of its standard EPR). These are all pressurised water reactors. Russia and China were excluded from the bidding in 2021.

Date: Friday, 03 November 2023
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ČEZ subsidiary Elektrárna Dukovany II (EDU II) has received final bids from the three potential suppliers for a new nuclear unit at Dukovany, as well as non-binding offers for three more future reactors.

Date: Wednesday, 01 November 2023
Original article:,-EDF-and-KHNP-submit-final-Czech-bids

Framatome has signed a collaboration agreement with EDF to test its PROtect enhanced accident tolerant fuel (EATF) technology. Under the agreement, four lead fuel assemblies will be loaded into one of EDF's French reactors by the end of this year.

Date: Saturday, 01 July 2023
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Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) has delivered uranium nitride coated uranium oxycarbide tristructural isotropic (TRISO) fuel to NASA's Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion programme. The company says this demonstrates the "flexibility, precision and value" of its Pilot Fuel Manufacturing Facility (PFM).

Date: Thursday, 15 June 2023
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France’s Framatome has announced a key advance in development of monolithic molybdenum-uranium (U-Mo) fuel for Germany’s Forschungsreaktor München II (FRM II) research reactor, operated by the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

Date: Wednesday, 03 May 2023
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Westinghouse Electric Company have announced a partnership with EDF to explore the functionalities of Westinghouse’s EnCore enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) technology. Westinghouse will study its EnCore fuel in an EDF reactor for potential deployment across the EDF nuclear fleet after 2030. This will be the largest R&D programme on enhanced fuel that Westinghouse has conducted in Europe to date.

Date: Friday, 29 July 2022
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Westinghouse Electric Company and France's EDF are to jointly explore the functionalities of Westinghouse's EnCore accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) technology. Westinghouse will study the use of the fuel in an EDF reactor for potential deployment across the EDF nuclear fleet after 2030.

Date: Thursday, 28 July 2022
Original article:,-EDF-to-study-use-of-accident-toleran