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“Uranium 2022: Resources, Production and Demand”, widely known as the Red Book, is the 29th edition of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and International Atomic Energy Agency's biennial report. The 568-page report presents the most recent review of world uranium market fundamentals and offers a statistical profile of the uranium industry. It includes 54 country reports on uranium exploration, resources, production and reactor-related requirements, 36 of which were prepared from officially reported government data and narratives, and 18 that were prepared by the NEA and IAEA secretariats.

Date: Saturday, 08 April 2023
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Annual capacity of idled mines stands at almost 30,000 tonnes Kazakhstan has limited output in recent years in response to a depressed uranium market, but is still the largest producer. Courtesy Kazatomprom. Global uranium mine production decreased by nearly 12% from 2018 to 2020 with major producing countries including Canada and Kazakhstan limiting total production in recent years in response to a depressed uranium market, according to the Nuclear Energy Agency.

In the latest edition of Uranium Resources, Production and Demand, known as the Red Book, the NEA says uranium production cuts deepened suddenly with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020.

Overall, world uranium production decreased from 53,501 tonnes of uranium (tU) in 2018 to 47,342 tU in2020 as producers instituted production cuts, followed by a slight increase to 47,472 tU in 2021. These planned reductions were greatest in Canada and Kazakhstan.

As of 1 January 2021, the annual production capacity of idled mines amounted to over 29,400 tU. These operations, which have all the necessary licences, permits and agreements for operation and have produced commercially in the past, could potentially be brought back into production relatively rapidly given appropriate market conditions.

Date: Friday, 07 April 2023
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The Group of Seven (G7) countries will lead a technology-driven transition to net zero, according to a joint statement at the end of their three-day summit in Cornwall, England. The G7 is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the USA. As host of the first in-person G7 Summit in almost two years, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson asked the other leaders "to seize the opportunity to fight and build back better from coronavirus, uniting to make the future fairer, greener and more prosperous".

Date: Tuesday, 15 June 2021
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The US-led Leaders’ Summit on Climate, held on 22 and 23 April as a video conference, attracted 40 world leaders (presidents and prime ministers) including Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Also taking part were some 24 other speakers at ministerial level (environment, defence, economy) in addition to Pope Francis and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, as well as almost 40 heads of environmental organisations, indigenous communities and leading businessmen, including Bill Gates. The event coincided with Earth Day, an annual event first held in 1970.

Date: Tuesday, 27 April 2021
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"The US uranium mining industry has the personnel and yellowcake processing plants on standby, and is ready to expand into new areas with discoveries that will provide hundreds of years of available uranium resources from a variety of secure sources," says Michael D. Campbell, chairman of the Uranium (Nuclear & REE) Committee of the Energy Minerals Division of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). "So let the drilling and processing begin."

Date: Friday, 25 December 2020
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An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) team on 25 October concluded an 11-day mission to review the UK’s regulatory safety framework. The team said the UK is committed to strengthening its regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety and identified areas that would benefit from further enhancement. The UK has 15 operating nuclear power reactors at seven sites, generating 21% of its electricity, and two nuclear fuel reprocessing plants.

Date: Tuesday, 05 November 2019
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Nuclear power plants continue to perform to a high standard and growth is strong, with more than 20 new reactors scheduled to be connected before the end of 2020, World Nuclear Association Director General Agneta Rising says in the latest edition of the World Nuclear Performance Report. But for the industry to reach the Harmony goal of supplying at least 25% of electricity before 2050, Rising says much greater commitment from policymakers will be required.

Date: Friday, 30 August 2019
Original article:,-report-sa