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Fuel loading has begun at Darlington 2, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has announced. The refurbishment of Darlington 3 is now expected to start in the second quarter of 2020 as the company applies lessons learned during the refurbishment of unit 2.

Date: Thursday, 14 November 2019
Original article:

The final stages of construction work on Ontario Power Generation’s Darlington-2 refurbishment project, involving the installation of lower feeders, are well under way, although the plant will now return to service by June 2020 rather than February 2020 as previously anticipated.

OPG said the potential four-month delay to the return to service of Unit 2 is a result of delays related to fabrication and installation of feeder tube components. The fabrication delays resulted in upper, middle and lower feeders being installed at the same time, creating logistical and physical challenges with overlapping work.

The impact of the Unit 2 fabrication delays has been fully resolved and will not affect future units, OPG said.

“The refurbishment of Unit 2 remains on budget and the overall budget and schedule for the 10-year refurbishment project also remains on track,” it said.

Date: Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Original article: