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The UK has opened for consultation its assessment of a new financing model aimed at reducing the cost of new nuclear power plant projects by having consumers pay upfront through their energy bills. A solution is needed urgently because nuclear energy is seen as a vital part of the government's commitment to cutting the country's carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. Seven of the UK’s eight existing nuclear plants are set to be retired by 2030.

Date: Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Original article:

The UK has opened for consultation its assessment of a new financing model aimed at reducing the cost of new nuclear power plant projects by having consumers pay upfront through their energy bills. A solution is needed urgently because nuclear energy is seen as a vital part of the government's commitment to cutting the country's carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. Seven of the UK’s eight existing nuclear plants are set to be retired by 2030.

Date: Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Original article:

Recent reports in the UK have suggested the vote could make an uncertain plant still more uncertain. I have heard people say the vote means it will never be built. The new Conservative leader and British Prime Minister Teresa May has previously argued against giving “unreasonable subsidies” to Hinkley Point C, but political views can change: after all, the deal was developed and signed by two LibDem MPs whose party had been implacably opposed to nuclear for years.

Date: Friday, 12 August 2016
Original article:



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