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Scientists at the US Department of Energy (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed ALPACA – a new plasma measurement instrument, or diagnostic, that could aid efforts to boost the heat of fusion reactions in tokamaks and potentially improve the power output of future fusion power plants.

Date: Saturday, 04 May 2024
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SHINE Technologies of the USA says it has demonstrated clearly visible Cherenkov radiation produced by fusion for what is believed to be the first time. Historically, fusion has been demonstrated and detected with instruments instead of a visible light.

Date: Saturday, 05 August 2023
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The Low Intensity Test Reactor (LITR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) became world-famous when a photographer first captured a blue glow caused by radiation in the pool above the reactor. That photo appeared on the cover of the October 1951 issue of Scientific American.

Date: Friday, 07 April 2023
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Revolutionary laser-driven technology unveiled by TAU Systems aims to place the capabilities of high-energy particle accelerators within reach of engineers and scientists the world over, with potential applications in a wide range of fields including nuclear. The Texas-based company is aiming to offer its first commercial service centres in 2027, after starting prototype applications as early as 2024.

Date: Wednesday, 28 September 2022
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