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47 news articles found
Washington boosts efforts to produce fuel for new generation of nuclear reactors
- Source: Nucnet
- Date: Saturday, 19 October 2024
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New-generation fuel needed for advanced nuclear reactors
- Source: Nucnet
- Date: Friday, 11 October 2024
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New-generation fuel needed for advanced nuclear reactors
- Source: Nucnet
- Date: Thursday, 10 October 2024
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Inaugural dig underway at retiring coal site for facility where sodium coolant system will be tested
- Source: Nucnet
- Date: Wednesday, 12 June 2024
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Framatome and TerraPower have agreed to design and develop a high-assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) metallisation pilot plant at Framatome's nuclear fuel manufacturing facility in Richland, Washington.
- Source: World Nuclear News
- Date: Saturday, 01 June 2024
- Original article:,-TerraPower-announce-plans-for-HALEU-met
‘Innovative’ fuel will be key to continued operation
- Source: Nucnet
- Date: Saturday, 20 April 2024
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France's Framatome and Germany's Technical University of Munich (TUM) have agreed to establish the industrialisation process for the manufacture of monolithic molybdenum-uranium (U-Mo) fuel for the university's FRM II research reactor. Framatome noted this low-enriched fuel will benefit from the highest uranium fuel density ever realised in Europe for research reactor operations.
- Source: World Nuclear News
- Date: Saturday, 20 April 2024
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Czech power company CEZ reported that unit 3 at the Dukovany NPP for the first time had achieved a heat output of 1,475 MWt, which is 2.3% more than before and corresponds to an output of 511 MWe under optimal climatic conditions. The increase, which the power engineers achieved safely without any increase in fuel consumption or emissions, corresponds, for example, to three times the power of the hydroelectric power plant at the foot of the Brno dam. As a result, the annual production of the Dukovany NPP should increase by approximately 300,000 MWh next year after modifications to all four units.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Wednesday, 17 April 2024
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UK nuclear trade association, the Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) has applied for a justification decision for newcleo’s lead-cooled fast reactor design, the LFR-AS-200. The application makes the case that the benefits of clean, firm, flexible power from the LFR-AS-200 would far outweigh any potential risks. NIA says these are” rigorously controlled by robust safety features, including passive safety systems, built into the design and incorporated into the operating arrangements, in line with the UK’s regulatory requirements”.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Wednesday, 10 April 2024
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The Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) has applied to the UK government for a justification decision for Newcleo's lead-cooled fast reactor, the LFR-AS-200. Such a decision is required for the operation of a new nuclear technology in the country.
- Source: World Nuclear News
- Date: Saturday, 06 April 2024
- Original article:
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