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9 news articles found
South Africa’s Koya Capital has signed a partnership agreement with Stratek Global to assist in securing finance for construction of a high temperature modular reactor. The ZAR9bn ($480m) HTMR-100 is based on South Africa’s Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR).
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Friday, 12 April 2024
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PT Pertamina Power Indonesia and Denmark’s Seaborg have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to jointly explore and assess how the next generation nuclear power technology could be utilised both to meet Indonesia’s future clean energy needs including a target of achieving net zero carbon emission by 2060.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Friday, 15 September 2023
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Indonesian power company Pertamina NRE has signed a memorandum of understanding with Denmark's Seaborg to investigate the deployment of Seaborg's compact molten salt reactor (CMSR) Power Barge in Indonesia.
- Source: World Nuclear News
- Date: Wednesday, 13 September 2023
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Four Danish companies – Topsoe, Alfa Laval, Copenhagen Atomics, and Aalborg – are supporting a project to use small modular reactors (SMRs) to produce energy for ammonia production by Indonesia companies Pupuk Kaltim along with Pertamina New & Renewable Energy. The agreement was signed in Copenhagen at Topsoe HQ in Lyngby, Denmark, and all participating companies were present, as well as officials from the Indonesian embassy.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Wednesday, 24 May 2023
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Aim is to deploy nuclear plant on Indonesian island for ammonia production
- Source: Nucnet
- Date: Tuesday, 23 May 2023
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US-based nuclear company ThorCon has signed an agreement with the Indonesia’s Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (Bapeten) to officially start a safety, security, & safeguards (3S) consultation in preparation for licensing the 500 MW demonstration NPP. The agreement was signed during a Bapeten Executive Meeting on NPP licensing.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Friday, 07 April 2023
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During US President Joe Biden’s visit to Canada, a wide-ranging joint statement was issued with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, which among other things, pledged to coordinate efforts to develop nuclear fuel supply chains in North America. They also undertook to build partnerships to help ensure access to low-enriched uranium and agreed to launch a task force to accelerate cooperation on clean energy opportunities and supply chains. Canada further agreed to join the US-led programme Foundational Infrastructure for Responsible Use of Small Modular Reactor Technology (FIRST) programme and to provide funding and in-kind support.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Friday, 31 March 2023
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Countries around the world turned to nuclear as a reliable low-carbon energy source as they looked for ways to wean themselves off Russian imports and lower carbon emissions.
New plants began operating, deals for small modular reactors were signed and countries announced ambitious plans for new-build.
On the political front, US president Joe Biden signed into law new legislation that will help to finance struggling nuclear reactors and could save dozens from being shut down early. In Europe, the nuclear industry celebrated when members of the European parliament decided to “follow the science” and support legislation which includes nuclear in the bloc’s sustainable finance taxonomy for green investment.
- Source: Nucnet
- Date: Tuesday, 10 January 2023
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Inspection and certification company Bureau Veritas (BV) recently signed an agreement with nuclear power technology developer ThorCon for the Technology Qualification and subsequent development of a 500MW molten salt nuclear power barge intended for operations in Indonesia. Thorcon has been promoting its technology to key Indonesian institutions since 2015, the year that, Indonesia decided to cancel its $8bn plans to construct four nuclear plants with a total capacity of 6GWe by 2025.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Friday, 23 December 2022
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