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South Korea has begun preparations to begin building a nuclear fusion reactor after 2035. It aims to produce electric power around 2050 in a bid to keep up with the intensifying international competition for the future clean and limitless energy, the Ministry of Science, Information & Communication Technology said.

Date: Thursday, 02 March 2023
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A new fission-fusion hybrid reactor will be assembled at Russia’s Kurchatov Institute by the end of 2018, Peter Khvostenko, scientific adviser of the Kurchatov complex on thermonuclear energy and plasma technologies, announced on 14 May. The physical start-up of the facility is scheduled for 2020.

Date: Tuesday, 29 May 2018
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The UK Department of Energy & Climate Change has a problem with the world’s largest stocks of reactor-grade plutonium. The international association Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy view this as a one-time opportunity to benefit several advanced nuclear energy developments, none of which are acknowledged by DECC. By Brendan McNamara

Weak, short distance radiation makes it warm; so it is safe to hold but not to swallow. UK reactor grade plutonium is unsuitable for making weapons. And small-scale uses of UK plutonium could never go critical

Date: Friday, 27 May 2011
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