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Brazilian fuel cycle company Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) has announced it is to resume exploration for uranium in the country after a 40-year hiatus.
- Source: World Nuclear News
- Date: Friday, 23 August 2024
- Original article:
Brazilian nuclear utility Eletronuclear (part of state-owned power company Eletrobras) has taken issue with a report from the Court of Auditors of the Union (TCU - Tribunal de Contas da União) which indicated an increase in the energy tariff would follow the eventual entry into operation of unit 3 of the Angra NPP. Eletronuclear said that the data cited in the report were preliminary.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Thursday, 18 April 2024
- Original article:
Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) says it has completed the first stage of demolition of buildings at the Unit for Decommissioning of Caldas (UDC) in southern Minas Gerais, which is currently undertaking clean-up of a former uranium mine. Altogether 12 buildings were demolished at the industrial plant comprising 1,900 square metres of disused structures. The cooling tower was the last structure demolished in early September. According to INB, the area where the buildings were located will be restructured using local soil.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Wednesday, 27 September 2023
- Original article:
The European Union (EU) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have extended a 2013 agreement to cooperate on nuclear safety. Their cooperation has already led to over one hundred nuclear safety review missions, environmental remediation at former uranium sites in Central Asia and more effective radioactive waste management in Africa.
- Source: World Nuclear News
- Date: Thursday, 23 September 2021
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The World Nuclear Association (WNA) on 8 September launched the 2021 edition of The Nuclear Fuel Report, concluding that the positive trend in nuclear generating capacity projections that began in the previous (2019) report continues.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Friday, 10 September 2021
- Original article:
Industrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB) has started mining uranium from the new open-pit Engenho mine at Caetité, in Brazil's Bahia state. It is hoped that resumption of uranium production at the site will make the country self-sufficient in fuel for its nuclear power reactors. A ceremony was held yesterday at the mine site, during which a detonation was carried out, symbolising the beginning of open pit mining in a new area, the Engenho mine.
- Source: World Nuclear News
- Date: Thursday, 03 December 2020
- Original article:
Brazil's national energy plan to 2050 will consider new nuclear power plants including generation IV technology and small modular reactors to meet growing national electricity demand, Minister for Mines and Energy Bento Albuquerque said yesterday.
- Source: World Nuclear News
- Date: Friday, 05 April 2019
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The Brazilian nuclear sector on 30 August took an important step towards expanding its uranium enrichment capacity with the aim of becoming self-sufficient in the supply of nuclear fuel for its nuclear power plants.
- Source: NEI Magazine
- Date: Monday, 03 September 2018
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