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US Trade & Development Agency (USTDA) Director Enoh T Ebong has announced funding for a series of international workshops to promote US-led civil nuclear energy deployment in Europe and Eurasia. “Civil nuclear energy holds promise as a clean and secure energy solution, and USTDA is at the forefront of supporting our partners both to develop frameworks for deployment and to advance their individual infrastructure needs,” she said.

Date: Saturday, 30 March 2024
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NorthStar Group Services has removed the Vallecitos boiling water reactor (VBWR) from the GEH Vallecitos Nuclear Centre in California and has delivered it for disposal to the Texas facility of its affiliate, Waste Control Specialists (WCS). The privately owned VBWR operated from 1957 to 1963 at the Vallecitos Nuclear Centre (VNC) in Alameda County some 48 km east of San Francisco. The VBWR was the first NPP to deliver significant quantities of electricity to a public utility grid and the first NPP to receive an operating licence issued by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).

Date: Friday, 17 November 2023
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Warsaw wants to build six reactors at two sites Warsaw plans to build from 6,000 to 9,000 MW of installed nuclear capacity at two potential sites. Image courtesy Creative Commons. The US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) will release grant funding for Poland’s Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (PEJ, formerly PGE EJ1), the company charged with managing the country fist nuclear power project, for a front-end engineering and design study involving US-based Westinghouse Electric Company and Bechtel Corporation.

USTDA said in a statement that the study will be carried out by Westinghouse and Bechtel and will aim to support the Polish government’s decision-making process for the deployment of two nuclear power stations, each consisting of three nuclear reactors.

According to the statement, the study will provide PEJ with layout plans for the location of the first nuclear power station, a strategic licensing plan, a project schedule, and a budgetary cost estimate for delivery, construction and start-up of the first power plant.

Date: Friday, 02 July 2021
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