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Russia’s Atommash has completed the welding of the lower half of the reactor pressure vessel for one of the two new units at the Kursk 2 nuclear power station under construction in western Russia, which will be the first to use the Generation III+ VVER-TOI design.

Atommash, part of Atomenergomash, the engineering division of state nuclear corporation Rosatom, said the weld would now be inspected and anti-corrosion coating added. It did not say which of the two Kursk units the RPV was for, but it is likely to be Kursk 2-1.

The VVER-TOI reactor technology is being used for Kursk 2-1 and Kursk 2-2. It was developed from the 1,200 MW AES-2006 pressurised water reactor.

Construction of Kursk 2-1 began in April 2018 and of Kursk 2-2 in April 2019.

Date: Wednesday, 05 February 2020
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The core catcher has been installed at the Kursk 2-2 nuclear power plant under construction in western Russia, state-owned nuclear corporation Rosatom said.

The core catcher is a device provided to catch the molten core material, or corium, of a nuclear reactor in the event of a nuclear meltdown and to prevent it from escaping the containment.

Rosatom said the core catcher has been adapted to site conditions and has increased seismic resistance, hydrodynamic and impact strength, and flood protection. The core catcher is one of the features which make the 1,115-MW VVER-TOI unit a Generation III+ plant.

Construction of Kursk 2-2 began in April 2019. Construction of the first unit, Kursk 2-1, began in April 2018.

Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2019
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The core catcher, or core melt trap, has been delivered for unit 2 of Russia’s Kursk II nuclear power plant, the plant announced on 24 October.

Date: Wednesday, 30 October 2019
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