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French nuclear fuel company Orano on 22 October signed a €100 million ($111m) contract with EDF to supply services for the NPPs at Paluel (Seine Maritime), Civaux (Vienne) and Gravelines (Nord) until 2024, with an option of two additional years. In partnership with the companies Samsic and ARIS, Orano teams will be responsible for all industrial logistics to support operation of reactors on the Paluel and Civaux sites: radiation protection, waste management and conditioning, equipment management, etc. At the Gravelines NPP, Orano will work with ARIS to install and remove thermal insulators and scaffolding at four of the site's six reactors, during maintenance and nuclear fuel replacement phases. At peak times, services on the three sites will call on the skills of up to 350 employees from Orano DS, an Orano Group entity specialised in providing services to operational nuclear sites and those undergoing decommissioning. Samsic is a Brittany-based, family-owned group which started as a cleaning business and now offers a range of services dedicated to facility management and human resources with operations in  25 countries. ARIS is a family-run business located  near Le Havre, which operates in four key sectors - energy, civilian shipping, military shipping and the industrial sector.

Date: Friday, 25 October 2019
Original article:

French utility EDF has awarded a contract worth almost EUR100 million (USD111 million) to Orano to provide services to its Paluel, Civaux and Gravelines nuclear power plants. The contract runs until 2024, with an option for two additional years.

Date: Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Original article:


