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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on 5 May that, to speed up greening of the emerging hydrogen economy, it had launched an initiative to develop a roadmap for the commercial deployment of hydrogen production using nuclear energy. The initiative brings together decision makers, designers, project managers and operators to share the latest advances in national strategies and technologies and to identify technical readiness for different technologies of hydrogen production using nuclear energy. The initiative will culminate in a roadmap guiding document, to provide countries with a tool for evaluating, planning and strategising the development of nuclear hydrogen projects.

Date: Wednesday, 11 May 2022
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The University of Sheffield in the UK has opened a new GBP3m ($4.66m) advanced nuclear materials research facility. Materials for Innovative Disposition from Advanced Separations (MIDAS) has been established as part of a national network of facilities to deliver the UK spent nuclear fuel research programme.

Date: Wednesday, 23 September 2015
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