The unsealed reactor testing of process systems at unit 4 of Russia's Rostov NPP is scheduled for December 2016, the plant said. Start-up of the unit is scheduled for 2017. The 2016 construction schedule contains several mandatory milestones to be fulfilled by the end of this year. "The schedule is tight but the tasks are doable," said Andrei Salnikov, Rostov plant manager.

Currently, the construction site is preparing for welding of the main circulation pipeline (MCP), which is planned for the end of February. To support the MCP, the first two reactor coolant pumps will start to be assembled and moved to their designated places. Installation of the refueling machine is to start shortly.

The Specialized Research Institute of Instrument Engineering (SNIIP), part of state nuclear corporaton Rosatom's engineering subsidiaryAtomenergomash, has manufactured a set of equipment, which is part of the in-core monitoring system (ICMS) and integrated analysis system (IAS) for unit 4. The equipment has been shipped from SNIIP to the plant site.

Meanwhile, installation of the high-speed turbine in the turbine island at unit 2 of the Leningrad NPP Phase Two is planned to start in the second quarter of this year, the plant said. Currently, the second stage of concreting of footing for the turbine is being completed. Work has begun to prepare the turbine island for installation of the turbine. In particular, the lighting, ventilation, fire, and grounding systems will be installed and measures will be taken to suppress dust to create a clean zone. Commissioning of the unit, which was planned for 2017, has been shifted to November 2019.

Date: Saturday, 20 February 2016
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