The reactor shell of Russia’s Brest-OD-300 lead-cooled fast reactor in Seversk is nearing completion according to general contractor Titan-2. The Brest-OD-300 is under construction at the Siberian Chemical Plant (SCC part of Rosatom fuel company TVEL) as part of the pilot demonstration power complex (ODEK - Opitno Demonstratsionovo Energo-Kompleksa), which is part of the Breakthrough (Proryv) project intended to demonstrate closed fuel cycle technology.
The ODEK project also includes a module for fabrication and refabrication of nuclear fuel (MFR) and a module for reprocessing irradiated fuel. The reactor is scheduled for grid connection in 2027; the MFR is almost completed and planned for commissioning this year; construction of the reprocessing unit is planned for 2025-2026 for commissioning in 2030.
Titan-2 said work is in full swing in the reactor building and installation of the reactor shell should be completed by the end of the year. Work continues on the assembly of the Brest containment. Installation of the main technological equipment of the installation is being carried out by specialists of JSC MSU-90.
At the MFR the main technological equipment, engineering and technological pipelines, ventilation systems have been completed and finishing work inside the building is coming to an end. Tests of equipment are being completed. The availability of auxiliary systems and four technological lines for the production of high-density uranium-plutonium nitride (SNUP) fuel and the assembly of fuel elements has been thoroughly checked. At the end of March, the test launch of the fuel production system was successfully completed.
Concreting work continues on the construction site. The volume of concrete planned for use in 2024 is 40,000 cubic metres. At the moment, the construction of main structures of the reactor compartment and engine room is underway. Work continues on auxiliary buildings and structures. Installation of the main technological and auxiliary equipment is also underway. In total, about 1,500 people are involved in the work - these include specialists from the Proryv project, SCC Titan-2 and MSU-90.
Image courtesy of Rosatom