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Operator has shown commitment to improving operational safety, says agency review

The IAEA team reviewed operational safety at Units 4 and 6 at Novovoronezh. Courtesy Rosatom

The operator of the Novovoronezh nuclear power station in central Russia has shown a commitment to improving operational safety, but the quality of maintenance activities needs to be further improved, an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team said.

The team also called on the operator to enhance the consistent use of tools to minimise human error and to improve arrangements for the monitoring and reporting of equipment condition and material deficiencies to ensure that any degradation is identified and reported.

The team identified one good practice to be shared with the nuclear industry globally: the main control room operators at Novovoronezh have access to an electronic display for real-time indication of hydrogen ignition risk inside the containment building in the case of a severe accident.

The Operational Safety Review Team (Osart) mission, which ran from 13 to 30 January, was requested by the Russian government. The team reviewed operational safety at Units 4 and 6 at Novovoronezh, which has four units in commercial operation. Unit 6 is a newer unit that began commercial operation in 2017 and is also known as Unit 2-1. An Osart mission was completed for Unit 5 in 2015.

Units 1, 2 and 3 are permanently shut down and under decommissioning.

All units are pressurised water reactors (VVERs). Units 4 and 5 are VVER-V179 (385 MW) and VVER-187 (950 MW) plants respectively. Units 6 and 7 (or Units 2-1 and 2-2) are both VVER-392M plants of 1,100 MW.

All of Russia’s 36 commercial nuclear plants are owned and operated by Rosenergoatom, a subsidiary of state nuclear corporation Rosatom.

“The Osart team observed that the staff at the plant are knowledgeable and professional and are committed to improving the operational safety and reliability of the plant,” the IAEA said.